• Don’t Be The Last To Know

    Did you know that your project missed a critical milestone three weeks ago? Did you know that the project went over the budget four weeks ago?

    Someone in your organization knew that the milestone was missed. Someone also knew that the project went over budget. Did you know before these issues happened?

    My recommendation is to implement a product/tool that can notify you before an issue like the ones above occur so you and your team can be proactive. Before each project sit down and determine what types of items you want to be notified about. Set a threshold (percentage/date/number/etc.) so the product/tool notifies you when you are hit the threshold. Implementing a product/tool to provide you the notification will allow you to be less dependent on others and it allows you to determine what you want to be notified about.

    Don't Be The Last To Know

    TeamQualityPro provides you the ability to get notified before an issue occurs. How are you being notified about thresholds before they occur?



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